Monday, March 4, 2013

Concert of my Life.

When we first bought the tickets to the Rend concert, I never actually believed I would get to go. However, Baby K understood how important that concert was to me, and we got to go!!

Moriah Peters opened up the concert for us. She looked like such a little girl up on stage, but she had a very powerful voice. I enjoyed listening to her. My brother Will bought her album while we were there. I've been to a few concerts now where it's a solo artist and they use a looping machine to record different instruments or different harmonies with their own voices. Moriah did that, and it was a really neat effect!

Next up was the reason we went to the concert. When Rend came out on stage, Tony, Will, Michael, Amy and I all started jumping and screaming. Apparently Rochester has not been introduced to Rend...We looked a little silly, but we didn't care. We also sang along to EVERY song! It was phenomenal. I admitted this to Tony, but when they walked out on stage, I had tears in my eyes. I think it's because they have transformed my faith with their music in so many ways.

This picture is fuzzy, but it's me with the Lead Male Singer Chris and Ally. LOVE her. She is so talented!

Here they are getting all ready to start the concert!  Remember I'm using my phone and couldn't zoom in, so we were SO close to the stage!

Tony took a few good videos. Here they are.

The headliner for the concert was Tenth Avenue North. They're not my favorite Christian band, but they did a pretty good job. It was SO loud however. We were a lot tamer when they took the stage. Amanda and I had to sit a lot by that point. I don't think I posted about my sister-in-law Amanda recently, but she severely injured her knee skiing/snowboarding. She's been out of work and doing intensive daily physical therapy. Hopefully she'll heal up soon!

Here's a picture of Tenth Avenue North's shadows when they went to the back of the sanctuary to play a few songs.

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