Tuesday, March 5, 2013

39 wks. 5 days.


We went to yet another midwife appointment today. Here's the news:

136 beats per minute
38 Fundal Height
5 cm dilated
90% effaced
+1 station

All signs point to having this baby any day (for the past 3 weeks....) I'm thinking Baby K is not a snow lover, so he/she is waiting for warmer weather. I just hope he/she doesn't wait too long. My body is sore and tired!

The midwife said to keep relaxing and taking care of my aches and pains. So, that's exactly what I'm going to keep on doing.

Next appointment is next week Wednesday. We'll see if we go past our due date this Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I want to go back to my original guess of March 15th. Beware the Ides of March!
