Monday, October 8, 2012

Our BIG Baby

I am pleased to report that we had a wonderful ultrasound and visit with our midwife today. Here are some Baby K stats:

Weight: 11 ounces

Heart beat: 143 beats per minute

Abnormality: Our baby has choroid plexus cysts, which means there are some small areas in the brain where fluid has collected. A doctor came in and examined the pictures. He said since there are no other abnormalities there is no reason to worry whatsoever. He said that will work itself out all on its own.

Fundal height: 19 cm (1 cm more showing another sign that baby is 8 days ahead of schedule)

My weight: I will not give you specifics but I'm still down 8 pounds from my basal weight at the beginning. I have gained some back, but she really wants me to be gaining at least 1 pound per week from now on. I believe I just got permission from a doctor to gain weight! I won't get crazy, but it may be the only time in my life I hear that!

Now what you've all been waiting for: pictures!

Look at the beautiful baby! Tony squeezed my hand pretty hard when we saw that picture!

Here they caught the hand in the shot. Our baby just might be a thumb sucker like I was! 

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