Monday, December 1, 2014

Gobble til we wobbled...

Thanksgiving 2014 was a holiday to remember! It was the most relaxing holiday I've ever had as a parent. It was glorious!

At 5:30am, Tony received a call from Mayo offering him an EA (excused absence). This was awesome! Now he could enjoy all the festivities! Since he had an EA, I was able to leave Charlie at home while I ran/walked the Turkey Day 5K with my cousin Meg.

Here we are before the race. It was super cold! Our hair and nostrils even froze on us!

Here we are warming up at Amy and Rob's house wearing our race shirts!

On Thanksgiving Day, we went to my parent's house for a delicious turkey dinner. Will, Amanda, my Great Aunt Elinor and my dad's cousin Penny also joined us.

While Charlie was napping, the adults (minus dad) played a delightful game of Heads Up. It's a super fun game that can be downloaded for free on any smart phone or tablet. It's a mix of charades, headbands, guesstures...Any of those games!

The best part, the device takes a video of all the crazy things the people do to get the player to say the correct word! LOVE it!

When Charlie woke up from his nap, we had a little photo shoot. Here's my family!

Dad, his cousin Penny and Aunt Elinor

A 4 generation picture. Elinor isn't officially my grandma, but it sure feels like it sometimes. I'm so blessed to have her in my life.

Charlie with his Elinor. He loves making her laugh!

After we were done with our photoshoot, we headed out to Willow Hill for some dessert and visiting with Tony's side of the family. I didn't get any pictures from then though...

Friday, after Kate, Mindy and I shopped like crazy, we had a leftover lunch at Willow Hill. During nap time, the big kids were having some fun goofing around. Here's Natalie on the cat scratch pole!

I tried teaching Natalie how to play Heart and Soul. She's a quick learner!

Natalie is quite the little pianist. Here she's playing her Christmas recital song for Charlie.

Of course I had to capture a picture of the four cousins together. What an adorable little bunch they are!

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