Greetings from the Methodist Hospital! Yes, I'm still here, and it looks like I'll be staying for a while.
Yesterday was a very good day for Baby K and me. It started with a great phone call from Pastor Wahl. It's always comforting to talk with our Pastors when life is a little shaky.
Then they wheeled me off to a big ultrasound. Tony wasn't there for it since I sent him to work, but I DID NOT find out the gender. It was hard to resist, but I stayed a good wife! The ultrasound looked great: Baby still looking wonderful. After they did all the measurements, the sonographer said Baby K is actually over 4 pounds and measuring at 32 weeks! This is good news if Baby does decide to make an early appearance.
When I got back after the ultrasound, my friend Becky was there waiting. She had stayed overnight at our house. We got in some more hours of visiting until my parents came. Then Becky headed back home. Aunt Christa also came at this time. It was nice to have some visitors for a while.
I had some good rest time in before ALL the company started arriving. Jacque and Kaylee stopped by with some adorable outfits Kaylee picked up for the baby, Aunt Marybeth came, Aunts Laur and Jill, Uncle Rand, mother in law Cher, sister-in law Amanda, Tony and our new pastor, Pastor Jason. We had quite the room full! After it thinned down a bit, Laur and Jill ordered us some Hunan Chinese food. DELICIOUS! We played some rounds of Phase 10 and really enjoyed ourselves. It's nice to have time with family to take our minds off things.
Tony stayed until 11 again and we watched some Hunger Games. I was so please with my day, and Baby K was doing so well, but right after Tony left, I had a setback.
The symptom that brought us in on Christmas came back. I was immediately hooked up to monitors, and Baby's heartbeat was looking good and he/she was moving around a lot. The Docs came in with the ultrasound machine to take a look, and Baby was looking good. Dr. Standhope even showed me Baby's footprint and that Baby was sucking its thumb to try to lighten my mood. I was quite shaky and scared again. They did some more exams on me, and determined everything was looking ok. Labor had not started up again, but they needed to keep me here longer. They really don't want this to happen when we're at home.
Today my job is to move around, rest some and keep Baby K happy! We REALLY appreciate all the prayers that you are all sending our way. It's comforting to know so many people are out there loving and thinking about our little family.
We know God is in control, and he won't give us more than we can handle!
Here is a shot from my ultrasound yesterday morning. It's Baby K looking right at us. Look at those chubby cheeks and round little chin. Just beautiful!
Been thinking about you all day, Tricia. I hope you really do get to go home tomorrow!