Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Christmas First

I believe all of our immediate families are now aware of the interesting Christmas Day Tony and I spent together, so I will update my friends and families on our situation.

On Christmas Eve, we were out to Willow Hill (Tony's parents). About halfway through the afternoon, I started feeling a little funny. Tony and I did some Google searches, and thought that we would be ok. I decided if things got worse I would call into the OB Triage Nurse Line. Candlelight church was difficult to sit through, but I did get a good night sleep.

I woke up early on Christmas morning and starting baking mini muffins to bring to Smidt Christmas Brunch. Things were not back to normal. Something was definitely not okay. I let Tony sleep in, I got all of our Christmas things ready and then decided to give a call in. When I gave all my symptoms, they said I needed to come in and be seen.

We dropped off presents at my parent's house, told them why we couldn't stay and took off for Methodist Hospital. The nurses and midwife were monitoring baby and monitoring me; other than my excessive amount of crying (it was very emotional for me), we were both very healthy. The monitor was picking up mild contractions, but they weren't painful so it was probably Braxton Hicks. Baby K was very active and hiccuping away. Unfortunately, they discovered I was already starting to dilate, I was at 2cm.

Here's a video of it. Don't mind the belly you're seeing. I'm not shy anymore after yesterday, that's for sure!

Around 11am, they admitted me to the hospital in Labor and Delivery. It was quite scary to get wheeled into a room with all of the baby items around. I'm only about 30 weeks, so I was not emotionally ready for this. We finally ordered some food around 11:30! Here's my Christmas feast.

The neo-natal specialist came in right after I took my first bite. was cold when I could finally eat. I was very grateful for that specialist however. She told us EXACTLY what to expect in case we delivered within the next couple of days. She answered all of our questions, and calmed all of our fears. She said that baby would be just fine, he/she is developed enough to survive, but we would be at St. Mary's for 6-8 weeks. They started giving me steroid injections to strengthen Baby K's lungs, brain and bowels in case this would happen. A lot of premi's don't get that opportunity, so we were lucky there too.

The rest of the afternoon was spent under close observation. Baby and I were being monitored closely, and several tests were done and redone. It looked like labor was not progressing quickly or at all. Every once in a while, I would have a contraction, but they went away. I was keeping my family and close friends updated on my situation via text message.

Mom, Dad and Will stopped up with a few presents and some yummy Christmas treats. The Smidt cousins have started an ugly sweater competition, so this was Mom's creation. It's not an ugly vest (my grandma Barb made it), but she dressed it up with her pins. Those 3 made it feel a lot more like Christmas for us! 

My favorite part of Christmas morning is the sticky buns my mom makes. She brought me up some leftovers! Delicious!
 As I was visiting with my family, the door knocked and in walked a Santa Hat wearing Becky! My best friend from college! She drove the 3 hours down to see me!!!! I would have to say, that was the best surprise of my Christmas Day! She said either she could sit at home and worry about me all day, or come down and spend time with me. I'm glad she chose the latter. She brought some room decorations and games along as well. I have a cute Christmas bear and a stuffed flower for my room.

Aunt Amy was my next visitor. She brought me a delicious deli sandwich selection and snack foods packed by Aunt Kathy and Cousin Jen. Boy did I appreciate the food! While Amy was there, Mindy and Kate made a visit. I'd have to say I'm very lucky to have the sisters-in laws that I have. They have a way of making situations so much better.

Pretty soon, the visitors started disappearing. Tony went home to stock up on my necessities. Amanda came up on her break (another great sister in law). It was nice to chat with her for a while too!

Tony and Becky stayed with me until they got me settled into my new room in a different unit around 11pm last night. They moved me since my labor had not progressed and we were doing well. Now I just get monitored a few times a day unless something feels strange. I can get up and move around, and I feel like a person again.

I was asked to participate in a Mayo Clinic study researching bacteria found in women who begin labor prematurely. I was all for helping out. After all, if my situation can help another woman's, what better could come from this. So I was up a little late finishing a few parts of the study. They did an exam and a blood draw. Today I'll fill out a questionnaire, and when Baby K really decides to come, more tests will be completed.

After they left, I felt very wired still! This is the picture I sent to Jake late last night! My nurse picked up on this wiriness, and gave me a sleeping pill. I slept right through the night! Whew!
Now I'm up. Baby K has been active, so he/she is still doing just fine. We are so lucky and blessed that this seems to be working out way better than we expected on our frantic drive early yesterday morning. I'm sad that I missed Christmas, but I am so happy that we didn't end up having a Christmas baby. Baby K needs to stay put as long as possible. I'm sure they will be discussing different things I can do when I get discharged. Bed rest may be the option, not desirable, but if it will help Baby K, I'm ALL for it!

Needless to say, after all this, we are now on the OB Doctors rotation instead of midwifes. Not a change I was wanting, but if it will keep everyone safe, I will do whatever it takes! I'm hoping to get more visitors today, since I'm making Tony go to work. I figured that he works at Mayo and can get here quickly if he needs to be!

Let's hope the news just continues to get better! If you will, send your prayers our way please! God sure has taken control in our hearts and helped us immensely throughout our whole process yesterday!

If you're in the area and want to visit, feel free (unless you're sick). I'll for sure be here until Thursday mid-afternoon.

I hope you all had a less eventful Christmas, but I do hope you experienced God's presence in some way like we did! Merry Christmas!


  1. Glad to read you are doing well. Premie babies can be very emotional and stressful. You are in great hands though as God is watching over you and Mayo staff is wonderful!! Saying a prayer for the whole family.

  2. So glad to hear that you're feeling good this morning! Hope today goes by quickly!

  3. If I had known you were in the hospital, I certainly would have come to visit and keep you company. I first heard about it on Sunday during the prayers. So glad it all worked out. I did see you and Tony in church, so I figured it had resolved. I am right in Rochester, so if it happens again, let me know if there is anything I can do. I will keep you all in my prayers for an uneventful next couple of months, as after that there will be plenty of excitement. Blessings to you all.
