I just heard some great news from the docs here: I can go home!
They figure by lunch time I will be all set to get out of here. My parents so wonderfully offered to be my chauffeur so Tony can stay at work. I have very minimal restrictions; I just need to pay attention to my body and to baby and alert the docs/midwives if anything changes.
I had my 30 week appointment scheduled for today, so we cancelled that and will be coming back in on January 7 for our next appointment. Some more good news, I can stay on the midwife's care. The doctors feel that the midwives are just as good as them, and if they need an MD they are always within an arm's reach!
So for now, we'll just keep praying that Baby K will stay put for at least 8 more weeks! We have been so very blessed by our wonderful family, friends and the excellent care here at Methodist.
One thing I absentmindedly did not post about yesterday: I had a VERY special guest: Maddison! Maddie is one of my oldest childhood friends. She's been living in Pittsburgh, PA since 2009, so we see each other around once a year. She happened to be in town for a very short period of time to celebrate Christmas with her family. We had planned on getting together, but I never expected it to be at 7am in my hospital room! That was the only time she had available, so I welcomed my visitor. Her dad Randy even came along! I've always loved visiting with Maddie's parents, but we don't see each other often. We got to catch up for almost 2 hours, AND she brought me a Diet Coke. Boy, does she know me!
Anyways, thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers and positive words of encouragement over this past week. It has helped me more than you'll ever know!
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