Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Foneday!

So maybe my spelling is a little off today, but I took the day off of work, so I can misspell words if I want to! Our wonderful daycare mom is out on the East Coast visiting her two sons, and I couldn't find anyone to take my little man today, so here I am! I couldn't be happier! Since he's snoozing away, I uploaded some pictures from my phone. There are a few worth sharing....

This is a picture from my brother Will's wedding that my mom took on her phone. The professional photographer also took a picture of us, so I can't wait to see how that turned out!

We've really been enjoying this nice fall weather. Here we are out on a hike through Bear Cave Park.

Little man LOVES his jumperoo!

He also loves to swing! He was giggling away ever time I pushed him!

He wasn't as sure about the slide, however. He didn't smile once on that!

He would've hung here for hours if we let him!

Tony thought this would be funny. Charlie didn't agree.

Mirrors are a favorite these days!

This morning, Charlie and I went and got the oil changed on my car. It's so nice that the dealership has toys!

Without getting into all the personal details, some of you know Charlie had a difficult time nursing. By difficult, I mean, that's ALL HE WANTED TO DO! Which made things not so comfortable for me...So, I decided to pump for the first six months of Charlie's life. It was one of the most frustrating yet rewarding things I've ever done. I was hooked to a machine for 20 minutes every 4 hours. I stuck with it until I went back to work. I could have continued, but it was so challenging. I did the first week back, but then I just had to quit for my sanity...Here you see the last bag of milk out of the deep freeze. I had produced and saved so much that it has lasted over a month and a half after I stopped pumping. Sorry if it's uncomfortable to read this little bit of personal history about me, but it was a huge part of my life that past 7 months...

Another story to go with this picture. When I first got pregnant with Charlie, I was quite a bit heavier than I wanted to be. After I had him, due to the extreme amounts of pumping, I lost all my baby weight and then some in record time. I was 7 under my pre-pregnancy weight by 3 months, but then I started to plateau. And after I stopped pumping, I could feel myself starting to slowly gain some of that weight back. So, when I saw my friend Jeff had started this dietbet thing online, I just had to join. You put in $25, then you lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks. The winners split the pot. Currently there is $200 in the pot, and after only a few days, I'm already 54% of the way there! That means I've already lost 3 pounds and I only need to lose 2.6 more! I've been religiously using MyFitnessPal app, and Tony has been a great encourager! Hopefully I can report in 3 short weeks that I'm a little smaller and a little richer!

Here I am on my initial weigh in!

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