Friday, May 24, 2013

Track and Field

Charlie and I decided to head out for a walk this morning. On our walk, we noticed elementary kids at the high school track. Turns out it was track and field day. On our way back,  I noticed my cousin Connor out on the track. Charlie and I took a detour and watched him do a few events. He was so excited to see Charlie and me there! I asked him where Megan was, and he said she came over in the afternoon, so after Charlie's nap, we headed over to watch her too. Then to make the day even better, we walked with Amy to pick the kids up from school. Of course they were really only excited to see Charlie...what a great day!

Unfortunately Charlie has a bit of the sniffles. I'm not sure if babies get seasonal allergies, but he doesn't seem to be "sick" just sneezes a little more and has some boogies. He did have a low grade fever this afternoon, but he seemed ok. He's also VERY drooly, so maybe he's an early teether. We shall see! 

Charlie and I have no plans this weekend, so that seems a little strange. I don't quite remember what my husband looks like these days. I believe I mentioned that he's in a play at the rep, so we don't see him much. He's also working all weekend...I've got to give single parents a lot of credit. It sure is difficult to do this alone especially when trying to finish up my masters. I'm not complaining, just commenting. 

Back to work on the paper! 4 more days till its due! 

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