Monday, May 6, 2013

Out and About

This past week, Mom has "escaped" from home a few times. I offered to bring them supper on Saturday, but she thought they could come over to our house to eat it! She enjoyed some much needed kitty and Charlie therapy. And of course she enjoyed a delicious meal cooked by yours truly. I tried out Hawaiian BBQ Chicken in the crock pot. SO easy, and SO delicious. All you do is put frozen chicken breasts in the bottom of the crock pot, pour a bottle of sweet baby ray's bbq sauce on along with a 20oz drained can of pineapple chunks. Cook it on high for 2-3 hours, and you're good to go! Yumm...

Sol was holding her toy all ready to play with my mom.

There she is! Bionic Knee Becky!

Sol loves getting scratched!

While Mom was with the kitties, Dad was rocking Charlie to sleep. Charlie even slept the ENTIRE night that night. It must've been the rocking...
 Here's a little video of Sol enjoying Mom's cane:


  1. Thanks for inviting us over. Indeed the meal was delicious and more importantly getting out from the house was liberating!!!!

  2. That's quite a snappy looking cane!
    I always think it's funny when cats chase something like that, don't catch it and then just walk away or start giving themselves a bath like, "I didn't really want that cane anyway (but I hope no one saw me chasing it!")
