Friday, February 22, 2013

Is it time?

We had our scheduled appointment with the midwife today. We met Mary for the first time, and we both fell in love with her! She's probably been a midwife for 30+ years, so everything she told us felt like it had more weight.

I'll start my post with this: we didn't schedule an appointment for next week because she said we should be parents by the end of the weekend. WHOA! Exciting!

I'm dilated to 4cm maybe a little more. I'm now 90% effaced. Baby is sitting at Station +1.

The only thing we're waiting on is the contractions to get closer and stronger. She gave me some helpful tips to get those contractions moving. We'll see if they work for me!

I'm hoping my next update on here will be a picture with our beautiful girl or boy!

1 comment:

  1. We were all checking our phones for missed calls last night after the bout!
