Here's a bit of a catch up of my insta gram photos the last few weeks.
Luna is very particular about her food. When it gets to be about half empty, she relentlessly sits by the dish and meows at me...Here's her sad begging face...
I can barely see Sol now when she curls up with Baby K.
Our little couch kitty. She's getting so much calmer and people friendly.
My 3 "kids" warming themselves by the fire.
Here's Natalie and Tony's birthday cake. It's my Grandma J's raspberry angel food cake dessert.
Happy 28th T!
This shot is blurry, but Jon and Kate were rocking out to Just Dance at T's birthday gathering.
Connor turned 9! Tony and I brought some balloons to brighten his day. He was pretty sick with a high fever all of his birthday weekend.
At Connor's party, Meg did a fashion show for us.
Birthday cupcake!
Meg stayed overnight with us on Connor's birthday, so he could have some special time with his parents. Sol was excited for the guest! We moved the twin mattress into our room, so Meg could sleep in there.
We finally took down our Christmas things in the upstairs living room. Luna was not quite ready to give up the tree skirt!
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