This year, as I do every year, we went to the sunrise service at my Mom's church on Easter. Charlie was an excellent little worshipper. He enjoyed being in a smaller sanctuary. He could actually follow along and watch Pastor when he was preaching. It was nice to have lots of extra hands too. He spent a lot of time on Grandpa Buck's and Aunt Amanda's laps.
After church, we headed to my parent's house for a delicious Easter breakfast with my Great Aunt Elinor. Mom made biscuits and sausage gravy. One of our family favorites! The Easter Bunny made a few deliveries to Grandma Becky and Grandpa Buck's house. Charlie got his very first Veggie Tale's book. It sings "Jesus Christ is Risen Today". We hear that song MANY times a day now! Aunt Amanda and Uncle Will made an Easter basket delivery too. Charlie got some cool Ninja Turtle shades as well as some other fun little toys. Here he is in his new shades:
After Charlie's morning nap, we went out to Willow Hill for a yummy Easter lunch of BBQ ribs. It was WONDERFUL! I was a little sad to miss out on ham, that is until I took a bite of the ribs. Wow, best idea ever Cher! After Charlie's afternoon nap, the Easter bunny had made some deliveries around the yard. We headed out to find all the Easter baskets.
The Easter bunny helps the kids out by putting balloons by each of the baskets. Charlie enjoyed holding the balloons for Maya so she could keep running!
Grandpa Bob stuck pretty close to Charlie during the hunt.
Maya found ALL of the baskets for us, and then she delivered them as well.
Here's Maya delivering Grandma Jayne's basket
After the hunt, we had a visitor from the barn. Charlie was quite scared when he was up this close. The lamb was equally scared and was bleated pretty loudly. Once we backed Charlie up, he enjoyed the little lamb more.
What an absolute sweet lamb!
I'm so glad I got to capture this sweet picture when we were playing around on the deck:
We had a wonderful and blessed Easter this year.
And absolutely perfect weather!