Friday, February 21, 2014

Snow day #5

Today was my 5th snow/cold day this year. That means I get to make up 2 of those days! Our superintendent said that school board would review it and let us know when we'll make them up. I'm assuming we'll lose our spring break (4 day weekend at the end of March), but I'll wait and see! I don't mind making them up. It was worth it not to drive over to Austin in this horrible driving weather. While it was awful to drive in, it sure was beautiful to look at out our back windows.

It's even prettier today, but I didn't venture out back today! 

Yesterday, Charlie and I spent the day alone. But today, Connor and Megan joined us. My uncle Rob and aunt Amy weren't able to miss work due to the weather. As we know so well with Tony's job, hospitals and nursing homes don't shut down due to weather! Charlie was so excited to have some kids to play with! He was entertained all day, and so were Connor and Megan!

Megan helped feed breakfast this morning. 

Charlie was showing Connor his awesome barn and tractor!

Then Connor played with Charlie's toy car!

We had a nice day together! Tony was home today, but he slept in late this morning and took a long nap this afternoon. He missed out on the picture fun. Now he's off to rehearsal! I know I'll get to see my husband again in a little over a week when the show is over!

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