Saturday, December 28, 2013

Miller Christmas

Last night we had a small Christmas celebration with the Millers. Since Charlie was "starving" when they got there, we delved right into supper: taco pasta bake. It was a new recipe, and it was a hit!

Charlie is showing off his new trick on his daddy's shoulders. If we say "yah", then Charlie starts clapping and dancing! What a fun age he's at!

The 3 kiddos diving into the toys. 

Charlie had to snuggle with Emily

I didn't get present opening pictures, but here's Josie with her present from us. It's a pet doctor kit. She can take care of her little kitty! 

Sam wasn't into smiling for the camera, but he did stop and pose for me. I should've gotten a picture of him and Charlie together because they are SO close in size and a little under a year apart in age. Charlie is about 21 pounds and Sammy is 22 pounds! 

Dr. Josie and her assistant Daddy Adam. Photobomb courtesy of Sammy!

The cats were hang around quite a bit, but if anyone went near them, they ran off! Here's Sammy trying to catch Luna. 

Sammy playing with his Godfather, Tony. Sammy's such a little lover now. He gave me a kiss on the cheek when they were getting ready to leave. 

We haven't seen the kiddos since June! Yikes! We don't even live that far away from each other. Josie has grown up SO much. She's such a big girl now! It was a great night, that's for sure!

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