Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Whew. Day 2 of the school year is in the books. Sorry for lack of blog posts, but I've been in new teacher orientation or teacher workshops or teaching for the past 3 weeks. Life has gone quickly by me! I'm going to try to give a quick update without boring you all. Keep reading because I'll end with some great pictures from Labor Day weekend!

New Teacher Orientation was 4 days of craziness. I left for school at 6am every day, worked (cleaned, scrubbed and gutted) my classroom until 8 then headed to training until 4. One of the nights, Tony and Charlie joined me to help move heavy furniture. I sorted through one man's 30 years worth of teaching materials. That man did not throw one thing away! Yikes!

Last week was when ALL the teachers gathered for various workshops. I again left at 6 to work in my classroom. I was shocked to find my computer, the program copier and all other forms of technology/air conditioning to be shut down at the school. Come to find out, over the weekend the entire server fried due to the heat. We had NO technology! I know teachers survived without technology in the past, but it's nearly impossible now. I couldn't access any of my students' IEPs and I was meeting with parents that Tuesday! Yikes! We finally have our internet and computers up and running, but I'm still without a printer. Let me tell you, that is frustrating and parents were not very understanding about the situation.

Throughout teacher workshop week (Monday through Thursday) my new co-workers, all male, all over 50, took me to various locations in Austin to eat for lunch. I have decided that Austin has THE BEST places to eat: Piggy Blues, Top Noodle, Steve's Pizza to name a few!

After a week of frustrating technology, I was ready for my students to arrive Tuesday morning, and arrive they did. I have 8 kiddos on my caseload. I greeted them with a smile right away, and soon found out I had a room full of gems. Sure they have some pretty tough behaviors and emotional issues, but I can tell already that I'm going to have a great year with them. I'm learning more and more how to leave my students' issues at school and live my life at home. It's been tough, but so far so good! The first day was a long one for me, no prep, no break, no lunch. Come 3:15 I was racing to the bathroom and stuffing my face with a sandwich after that. Today was much better. I was actually able to eat and have a few minutes to myself. We'll see how tomorrow goes...

Anyways, that's what I've been up to! Now here's what we've been up to as a family!

Last Friday I said goodbye to my trusty old Impala. She had 212,000 miles on her! I said hello to my new shiny 2013 Chevy Equinox. Boy do I love my new car. I never thought I'd own a brand new car. I'm more of a used kinda girl. Tony and I actually argue over who gets to drive now!

Charlie and I left Sunday morning for a quick day trip to Madison. We stopped in LaCrosse to pick up Liv and made our way east. We met up with Heidi and Raegan on the capital lawn and enjoyed some yummies from the Taste of Madison. We bummed around Madison for a while, and then headed back home. By 9:30, Charlie and I were in our pjs and getting ready for bed. 

On Monday we went to Laur and Jill's for a zucchini fry! YUM! Charlie spent lots of time with Great Grandpa Bob and Great Grandma Jayne. 

He also had his fair share of cuddle time with Natalie the toothless cousin. 

Charlie loves his Harvey but was too distracted to smile. 

We ate supper at my parent's house on Monday night. Charlie wanted to share that he's now eating squash and loving it!

He had to visit with Grandpa Buck for a while.

And cuddle with Grandma Becky!

We have had a busy but great couple of weeks. I'll be sharing more of our busy lives in the near future!!

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