Monday, June 10, 2013


As many of you may know, family is very important to me. I have always been so thankful for the amazing friendships that have formed between my cousins and myself. One such cousin, Matt, who as become an older brother to me was involved in a motorcycle accident this afternoon. 

He was driving along, enjoying this beautiful day when a deer ran out and struck on his left side. He was able to call 911 on his own and an ambulance transported him to Mayo in LaCrosse since it was the closest trauma center to the accident. 

Since Matt's immediate family is in South Dakota and his mom is on a trip to DC, my Aunt Amy flew (drove speedily) to LAX to be with Matt and assist in any way possible.

Matt broke his lower left leg in 3 places. BUT from the picture Amy text me you'd never know he was in an accident. He was so fortunate to go away from the accident with just the broken leg. It's not a small injury mind you, but he's alive and still in good spirits! Surgery was scheduled for 7pm, but I spoke with Amy at 9:15 and they were still waiting to go in...I just received a text saying they were in the surgical waiting room. 

I titled this post prayers for several reasons. Today I have prayed prayer after prayer for my cousin Matt. The first is a prayer for thanksgiving that he is still here with us. He has become one of my best friends over the past few years that he's lived by me. 

The next prayer was asking God why? This is not what Matt had planned for the next few months. This throws a huge wrench in his life plan and its going to be a difficult trek back towards where he wants to be. Even though I feel I have a strong faith in God, when things like this happen I struggle. I struggle with the fact that I struggle. I want to be able to fully put my trust in God, but its with sadness that I admit I fall short of this at times. Today is one of those times. 

I won't fill you in on all the details of my prayers. Let's just say, I've been in constant prayer mode. What I ask is for you to send your prayers for Matt. Ask God to heal him physically and emotionally after this traumatic event.

Charlie and I are heading to LaCrosse in the morning to bring Matt some goodies and be with him. In the meantime, I'll be praying. 

1 comment:

  1. And a visit from you and Charlie could be one answer to Matt's prayers! :)
