I'm copying Mindy by having a day dedicated to my Instragram photos. I use that so much more than my real camera since it's so easy and always with me. Here you go!
Cletus and I spent some quality cousin time together Friday night and early Saturday morning. He gets so sad and lonely when the Myhrvolds are out of town. We walked and walked, threw balls and I sat there while he gobbled up his food.
Tony has been reading in bed every night, and usually I'm asleep instantly, but I turned over the other night and saw this! HA, is it time for bifocals?
I spent the majority of my weekend decorating for Christmas. This is my first Christmas pinterest project. I tied tulle to a long string of lights. It looks very pretty.
I bought myself a little Christmas present. I love the big block words.
Luna had a long day of helping me decorate. Here she is snoozing away
I got very frustrated trying to put lights on the tree for downstairs living room, so Tony took it over.
DAY 18: Yesterday I was very thankful that InBetween was so well received at church. My dad came and watched, and he said that even the older people were getting into it. They LOVED "Build Your Kingdom Here". We'll have to do that one again!
DAY 19: I am thankful for short weeks. We only have school today and tomorrow! Woohoo!
Your mantle looks very inviting! We got our outside lights up yesterday and are aiming for Wednesday to put up the inside trees. You beat us to it!