Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I had another first today with Baby K: I felt her/him move!!! I was sitting on the couch watching FRIENDS after school, eating a Snickers bar and then it happened. I was so excited I tried to call Tony but accidentally called my mom!

When I finally did get a hold of Tony he was just as excited as I was!

We had a little photo shoot to go along with this blog post!

The happy parents-to-be!

We can get a little silly...

But we're SO excited to meet Baby K in approximately 170 days!

Baby K has started to make an appearance-Students and Staff just started asking me this week if I was pregnant. I must be past the "is she getting fat, or is she pregnant" stage...


  1. gives me a running total of days left until the big due date...I'm not THAT crazy :)
