Thursday, May 17, 2012

Miller Time

Since Tony and I had not seen the Miller family since their new little man arrived, we drove out to Pine Island and brought the Miller's some dinner. It was a wonderful night!

Tony and I took turns holding and snuggling the adorable Samuel. I was led around (quite literally using a leash even) by Josie. We played and played and read and read. She even got her Uncle Tony to be a beautiful bride and dance around on the deck with her. Priceless memories were captured. It was a later evening than we're used do, so I was sluggish at work on Wednesday. It was worth every second however!

Here's one proud papa with his two little darlings.

Josie loves to ham it up for the camera. We took LOTS of pictures so she could see them right afterwards. 

I'll admit it. I'm a baby hog. But how can you not be when the baby is this precious?

Josie took every toy out of her toy box to show me.

Aren't they just adorable?

The Godfather. Adam and Emily asked Tony to be Sam's Godfather. He's been practicing his best Godfather accent....

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