Monday, November 28, 2011

The things I learned in school today

1. Wear cheap clothing: you never know when you'll "run into" a cabinet and rip it...

2. "Don't swear, because God doesn't like it, and you want God to like you because hell is SCARY!"~student

3. Don't bring apples with my lunch because my student will play Annoying Orange with it and yell "Apple...what??...knife" and slice right through it and then proceed to eat it.

4. No matter how hard we all try throughout the day to keep the room clean, it will still be destroyed come 3pm.

5. is the best website for kids to play on! You can even set it as your desktop and learn some cool things about the animal parts you picked. (It kept our kids engaged for 45 minutes!) Way to go Ms. Jess with that idea!

Today was such a Monday. We were all tired and still full from Thanksgiving......

Thank goodness I have such a loving husband...he's meeting me in Rochester with a nice, not ripped shirt to wear to class!

Happy Monday!

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